Freedom Wars Remastered brings back the dystopian action RPG that captivated players on the PS Vita. Set in a bleak future where citizens, known as “Sinners,” are forced to atone for their crimes by battling monstrous enemies, this remastered version enhances the visuals and mechanics for modern consoles.
Players will once again step into the shoes of a Sinner, fighting massive enemies known as Abductors to reduce their million-year prison sentences. The game’s signature grappling hook mechanic, which allows players to scale buildings and enemies, returns with refined controls. Multiplayer co-op, a defining feature of the original, supports up to 8 players.
Key Features:
- Enhanced graphics and performance for PS5, Xbox, and Switch.
- Improved multiplayer matchmaking.
- Refined combat and movement controls.
Expected Release Date: January 10, 2025.
Platform Availability: PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Stream